Tag Archives: Financial Independence

3 retirement investment “strategies” to avoid


Here are 3 retirement investment “strategies” that will kill your returns and put your retirement goals in jeopardy.

Financial impact concept as a nest egg disaster with a large boulder or rock that has fallen and crushed a retirement savings fund with the yolk pouring out in the shape of a question mark as a business symbol of investment risk.

If you’re headed into retirement, you’ve probably read about a range of different retirement investment strategies to follow. One we’ve been asked about a number of times is whether we can supply one last can’t-miss trading idea that can make up for the shortfall in savings (brokers sometimes refer to this as a “rescue stock”).

This, of course, is unrealistic. If we could find stocks with that rare combination of low risk and high potential, why would we ever recommend anything else?

In fact, if you’re heading into retirement and are short of money, you should move your investing in the opposite direction: aim for safer investments, rather than taking one last gamble. As well, here are three other examples of really bad retirement investing strategies:

First retirement Investment strategy to avoid: Stock options

Stock options are not a smart idea if you’re headed into retirement. Stock options are expensive to trade. You pay commissions each time you buy or sell stock options. Commissions eat up a large part of any profits you may make with stock options, particularly if you trade in small quantities. What’s more, every trade costs you money in “slippage,” or the difference between the bid and the ask price. With options, this difference is larger than it is with stocks. Continue Reading…

How “Victory Lap” was conceived

MOSCOW - AUGUST 08: Group Russian unknown golfers shake hands on annual open international event for professionals and fans - VI Moscow Festival Retrostyle in Le Meridien Moscow County Club August 08, 2008 in Moscow, Russia
Victory Lap: Work while you play, play while you work

How did the Victory Lap concept originate? I smile every time I think about the fact that Jonathan and I have written a retirement book about not retiring. I know it’s weird, but weird seems to work in today’s world …

It all started about five years ago: the day I woke up and realized I didn’t want to do my corporate job anymore. Thinking like this was strange for me because I had always liked my job. I was good at it and it paid well, providing security and a good living for my family.

But truth be told, over the last few years the job was starting to have a negative effect both on my health and on my personal well-being. The stress of performing at a high level year in and year out was getting to me. I was reminded of this every morning, when I took my blood pressure medication.

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Early retirement? Half of us in trouble if we miss a single paycheque

CPA CEO Patrick Culhane

As my Financial Post blog today summarizes, far from being confident about a comfortable or even early retirement, almost half of working Canadians (48%) say it would be hard to make ends meet if their paycheque were delayed even a single week. Click on the highlighted headline for full story: Nearly half of Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque — and that has big consequences for retirement security.

Almost one in four (24%) don’t think they could come up with $2,000 if an emergency arose in the next month, according to the Canadian Payroll Association (CPA)’s eighth annual Research Survey of Employed Canadians, which is being made public on Wednesday.

The survey of 5,600 employees across Canada (conducted by Framework Partners between June 27 and Aug 5) found 40% spend all or more than their net pay, while 47% are able to save only 5% or less of earnings. Little wonder that 75% have saved a quarter or less of their retirement goal. Even among those aged 50 or more, a “disturbing” 47% are still less than a quarter of the way to their retirement savings goal.

Half think they’ll need $1 million to retire, and will need till 62 to do so

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8 Habits that will kill your Retirement Dreams

 8 habits that are killing your retirement dreamsA growing number of Canadians plan on working longer because they haven’t saved enough for retirement. We see it at a macro-level; Canadian households owe a record $1.65 in debt for every dollar in disposable income; meanwhile, the personal savings rate in Canada stands at a paltry 3.9 per cent.

There are plenty of reasons why we owe too much and save too little. The economy stinks, people get laid off, and salary increases are few and far between.

That said, we’re often our own worst enemy when it comes to taking care of our finances. Here are eight habits that are killing your retirement dreams:

1. You don’t watch your spending

It’s tough to stop a money leak when you have no clue where your money is going. Small daily purchases do add up (latte factor, anyone?), but these spending categories can bust your budget much faster – big grocery bills, dining out too frequently, filling your closet full of new clothes, one-click online shopping, and expensive hobbies, to name a few.

The solution: Write down everything you spend for three months. I guarantee you’ll have an ‘a-ha’ moment at best, and at worst discover something useful about your spending habits that you’d be willing to change.

The goal of course is to spend less than you earn. It’s one of the major tenets of personal finance.

2. You want the newest ‘everything’

Fashion and décor trends change, technology constantly evolves. Staying ahead of the curve means shelling out big bucks for the latest and greatest products. The problem is your capacity to buy new things will never keep up with the pace of innovation and change. It’s an endless cycle.

The solution: Wait. Early adopters pay a hefty premium to be first. Look no further than televisions, where the latest innovations can initially go for between $5,000 and $10,000 – 10 times what they’ll cost in a year or two.

The bigger issue is the psychological need to always have the latest gadget or be at the cutting edge. Ask yourself whom are you trying to impress.

3. You have the constant need to upgrade

Fewer than half of all iPhone users hang onto their smartphones until they stop working or become obsolete. Most want to upgrade as soon as their provider allows it – usually every two years. A small percentage upgrades every year whenever a new model is released.

While spending a few hundred dollars on a new phone every other year might not hinder your retirement plans, it could be a symptom of a bigger problem. The constant need to upgrade your technology, your car, and even your home can be a big drain on your finances.

Nearly three in 10 homeowners get the urge to move every five years, and 14 per cent actually want to move every year.

The solution: The same buy-and-hold approach that you take with your investments can also apply to your major purchases. The Globe and Mail’s Rob Carrick suggests a 10-year rule for homeowners to combat the odds of a housing crash and to save on transaction fees.

Extending the life of your purchases, even by a year or two, can free up cash to pay down debt or save for retirement.

4. You treat credit-card debt as a fact of life instead of a hair-on-fire emergency

Life can be expensive but there is no excuse for using credit cards to support your lifestyle. Despite what your friends or coworkers might say, credit card debt is not a fact of life. This may come as a shock but you can save up in advance for a vacation or new kitchen appliances.

The solution: Nothing can ruin your finances quite like high-interest credit card debt compounding every month. Stop everything and assess your income and expenses. Cut discretionary spending, put any savings plans on hold, and throw every cent towards your highest interest debt until it’s gone.

Related: Debt avalanche vs. debt snowball (or when math trumps behaviour)

5. You use low interest rates as an excuse to finance depreciating assets

Borrowing to invest can make sense when your expected return is greater than the cost of the loan. But it’s a mistake to take out a loan -– even at today’s low interest rates –- to finance consumables and depreciating assets.

Common reasons to take on debt today include weddings, vacations, furniture, and vehicles. A home equity line of credit can provide flexibility to pay for big purchases, but the habit of borrowing from your future self to pay for today’s consumption is a major retirement killer.

The solution: You need a financial plan. Most of us can wrap our heads around saving for retirement but we struggle prioritizing and funding our short-term goals. A good plan helps you identify what’s important in both the immediate and distant future and steers your savings towards the appropriate goals.

Put a dollar amount and a timeline on your goals and start saving. Trust me, it’ll feel great to pay for your next vacation or big-ticket purchase in cash.

6. You’re too complacent

Doing nothing is often the best course of action when it comes to a volatile stock market, but financial inertia can cost you in other ways. Some of us can’t find $50 a month to save for retirement, yet we pay $15 a month or more in bank fees, won’t drive half a block to save money on gas or groceries, and don’t bother returning items of clothing that don’t fit.

Worse examples of complacency are when people don’t take advantage of their employer matching RRSP program, don’t shop around for a better rate on their mortgage, or continue to pay high fees on their investments.

The solution: Sometimes we need a wake-up call or major life event before we start taking our finances seriously. Once you see how much complacency is costing you that’s usually enough to motivate you into taking action.

7. You put off retirement savings until a later that never comes

“We’ll start saving for retirement once we’ve paid off our credit cards-line of credit-mortgage.”

There are so many priorities competing for your hard-earned dollars. Sadly, retirement savings is easy to put on the back-burner while you deal with more immediate needs like a big mortgage, two car payments, a new trailer, and some expensive seasonal hobbies. Retirement is far away and you can save later, right?

If you’re already killing your retirement dreams with the previous six habits then later might never come.

The solution: There’s a reason why ‘pay yourself first’ is such a powerful savings tool. Money is automatically whisked out of your account before you get a chance to spend it. Like some kind of magic you barely notice and are somehow able to live on the rest.

8. You keep your long-term savings in cash

You actually managed to get some money from your chequing account into your RRSP or TFSA. The problem now is that it’s sitting in cash – you actually need to take the next step and buy an investment such as a mutual fund, ETF, stock, bond, or GIC.

This is a uniquely Canadian problem as investors have nearly $75 billion in excess cash sitting in their portfolios.

The solution: Whether it’s risk-aversion or analysis paralysis, you need to take action and get your retirement savings working for you. Speak with a financial planner who can help you make sense of your investment choices and risk tolerance. Read books, blogs, and magazines to try and educate yourself about investing and how to build a portfolio.

A good place to start is with the model portfolios listed on the Canadian Couch Potato blog.

Final thoughts

It’s true, we do plenty to sabotage our own retirement dreams. The good news is that it’s never too late to take control of your finances and start saving for retirement. Start by fixing bad habits that have a negative effect on your finances.

Save enough and you can retire on your terms.

 RobbEngenIn addition to running the Boomer & Echo website, Robb Engen is a fee-only financial planner. This article originally ran on his site on August 28th  and is republished here with his permission.

Victory Lap Retirement now available

Coauthors Mike Drak (L) and Jonathan Chevreau (R).

As the accompanying photograph of me and coauthor Mike Drak shows, the book Victory Lap Retirement has finally come off the printing presses.

It will be a few weeks before it is available in bookstores but it can be ordered and delivered now directly through the web site VictoryLapRetirement.com.

The photo was taken Thursday at Mike’s Toronto home. As you can see from our casual poolside attire, we’re trying to live the lifestyle described in the book, and summarized by the subtitle Work While You Play, Play While You Work.

You can also see the yellow book cover is now in rotation on the front page of the Hub, along with the US and Canadian editions of Findependence Day and the summary Kindle ebooks titled A Novel Approach to Financial Independence.

Victory-Lap-Retirement-Book Continue Reading…