All posts by Jonathan Chevreau

Working part-time in Semi-Retirement a boon to finances

Man Hand writing Work Part Time with black marker on visual screen. Isolated on sky. Business, technology, internet concept. Stock PhotoI predict that many aging Baby Boomers will — either by preference or financial necessity — delay traditional full-stop Retirement and instead embrace Semi-Retirement.

My latest Retired Money column, which has just been published at, explores the positive effect on retirement nest eggs of working at least part-time after the traditional retirement age of 65. For full article and chart, click on Should you work part-time in retirement?

It’s based on an analysis by ETF Capital Management, which showed the powerful impact of earning just $1,000 in part-time income each month between the age of 65 and 75; or in the case of couples $2,000 a month between them.

Not working at all after the traditional retirement age of 65 has financial implications, never mind boredom and lack of social interaction. In the case of a retiree with lifestyle expenses of $60,000 who undertakes a full-stop retirement at 65, and earns no extra income, there is a sharp fall in a $500,000 (combined registered and non-registered) portfolio starting at age 65. By the time they reach their early 80s, the nest egg is depleted to zero.

But a couple earning just $2,000 a month between them part-time after 65 and going until 75 will find the extra income delays the portfolio’s drop below zero beyond their early 90s. Not only does the nest egg not decline the first ten years, but it actually rises! By the time you reach 75 and finally stop working even part-time, the portfolio declines from a higher level and much more gradually.

Of course, the more you work, the better: for a couple earning $3,000 a month between them, the portfolio still has more than $200,000 by their 90s!  Similarly, the analysis also shows what happens if you work extra hard, which many might argue wouldn’t even qualify as retirement. At $4,000 a month the portfolio is barely depleted at all by the time they reach 100!

Isn’t this really Semi-Retirement?

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Canada ranks 10th in global Retirement Security

Global investments and international finance business symbol with four blue eggs with the maps of the world in a nest as a concept of savings and money management in many regions as Asia North America Europe and Latin America.While it ranks ahead of the United States and the United Kingdom, Canada ranks in tenth place in a global retirement security survey being released today (Tuesday).

Several countries in northern Europe and Scandinavia rank higher in the study by Natixis Global Asset Management. Norway is number one, followed by Switzerland and Iceland. However, because of a revised methodology, Canada’s 2015 ranking is two spots higher than under the 12th place spot it had under the survey’s older methodology. The Natixis Global Retirement Index was introduced in 2013, and bases its overall retirement security scores on four factors affecting the lives of retirees.

A central component is of course finances but three sub-indices measure well being, health and quality of life, providing a more holistic view of retirement than mere financial considerations.

Low interest rates a drawback for Canadian retirees

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Wisdom Tree Canada’s first 6 ETFs; plus 6 ways to prolong nest eggs

wisdomtree-investments-squarelogo-1449147347386We mentioned this was coming in the FP early in June but it’s now official: the first batch of WisdomTree ETFs are now available in Canada.

While WisdomTree Canada opened its office earlier this year, the first six products started trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange Thursday (July 14).

The US parent company is best known for its dividend-weighted ETFs and currency-hedged equity strategies. The initial lineup is focused on the U.S., European and broad international equities. The Head of WisdomTree Canada is Raj Lala, pictured below.

Here’s what he said in a press release today:

Raj Lala

“By combining the best elements of active and passive investing, WisdomTree’s Smart Beta ETFs give Canadians the opportunity to participate in effective, risk-managed investments. We look forward to growing our business in Canada through a commitment to anticipating and addressing key investor needs.”

Here are the six ETFs and their TSX tickers: Continue Reading…

Two thirds of investors don’t know how much they pay in fees: survey

JustWealth Andrew Headshot
JustWealth’s Andrew Kirkland

A survey released today by Justwealth Financial Inc. finds a knowledge gap about how much Canadian investors are being charged on their investments: almost two thirds of those surveyed didn’t know exactly how much they paid in annual investment fees.

The survey of Canadians across Canada aged 25 or more was conducted via Google Consumer Surveys, and also uncovered a lack of awareness around upcoming regulatory changes to investment reporting requirements.

The changes surrounding the Client Relationship Model – Phase 2 or CRM2 — will take effect this Friday (July 15, 2016). They are the third annual list of amendments to promote increased disclosure regarding fees and investment performance. According to the Justwealth survey, 65.1 per cent are not aware of the upcoming changes. {See also Graham Bodel’s recent Hub blog on these changes: Big changes for mutual fund investors and Anthony Boright’s Hub blog entitled Get ready for POS3 and CRM2 deadlines.)

Conflicts keep investors in the dark

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Gold guru Peter Schiff says Goldmoney deal will draw millions to BitGold

Peter Schiff (

Author and US-based gold guru Peter Schiff is teaming up with a Canadian gold fin-tech company — Goldmoney Inc. — in a deal both parties expect will accelerate the firm’s growth into “millions” of users seeking a “real-money” alternative to the “fiat” currencies of the world’s central banks.

Initial details were revealed on Friday, when Toronto-based Goldmoney Inc. (trading as XAU on the TSX), announced its plan to acquire Schiff Gold Inc. (SGI) and form a marketing and service agreement with Schiff (pictured left).

The Hub last looked at Goldmoney and its Bitgold in this post in March: BitGold: a cure for savers frustrated with low or negative interest rates? The link also contains my blog on this for the Financial Post.

And we looked at a couple of recent books on the soaring gold price in a Hub post in June. You can find the review, which includes Schiff’s The Real Crash, in this Hub review titled The New Case for Gold. The link also contains my blog on this for Motley Fool Canada.

The Goldmoney release describes Schiff Gold Inc. (“SGI”) as a “private, US-based dealer in precious metals” that was launched in 2010 under the name Euro Pacific Precious Metals. It in turn was described as “one of the largest and fastest growing retail gold dealers” that services a large client base with buy and sell orders for precious metals, storage and vaulting arrangements and gold & silver IRA arrangement services.”

Schiff is the “LeBron James of the gold market”

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