Building Wealth

For the first 30 or so years of working, saving and investing, you’ll be first in the mode of getting out of the hole (paying down debt), and then building your net worth (that’s wealth accumulation.). But don’t forget, wealth accumulation isn’t the ultimate goal. Decumulation is! (a separate category here at the Hub).

Building the All-Stock Retirement portfolio

By Dale Roberts, cutthecrapinvesting

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

How do you build a suitable retirement portfolio, made of stocks? I gave that a go recently on Seeking Alpha. That may lead to a greater debate about ‘can you really build a suitable retirement stock portfolio?’ I’d say that yes you can, but we have to cover off all of the bases (economic conditions). And we have to have a portfolio that takes a defensive stance. Also, the Canadian investor might be in a very fortunate position thanks to defensive wide-moat stocks that pay generous dividends. They can work as bond replacements. We’re building the retirement stock portfolio.

I will give you the juicy bits, but if you are able to access Seeking Alpha here is the original retirement post on Seeking Alpha.

The concept of the retirement all-stock portfolio is to take an all-weather portfolio approach. But instead of using bonds, cash, gold and commodities, we’re going to put stocks in the right place. And we’re going to use the appropriate amount of stocks to cover off the risks.

A good starting point for the all-weather portfolio is the venerable Permanent Portfolio. That model includes only one asset for each economic quadrant.

Stocks. Bonds. Cash. Gold.

Here is an outline of a study from Man Institute that details the types of stocks and sectors that worked in various economic conditions. Keep in mind that REITs have worked for inflation and stagflation from the 1970s. I’ve given REITs a pass for inflation.

Defense wins championships

At its core, the retirement stock portfolio is quite defensive. Certain types of stocks will do the job of bonds. They will help in times of bear markets and recessions. They can also deliver ample income: much more than bonds these days.

The Canadian retirement stock portfolio will take full advantage of the wide moat stocks.

I’ll cut to the chase. Here are the assets to cover off the economic quadrants:

Defensive bond substitute stocks – 60%

Utilities / Pipelines / Telecom / Consumer Staples / Healthcare / Canadian banks

Growth assets – 20%

Consumer discretionary, retailers, technology, healthcare, financials, industrials and energy stocks

Inflation protectors – 20%

REITs 10%

Oil and gas stocks 10%

Not listed in this inflation-protection section is consumer staples, healthcare, utilities and pipeline stocks. Those stocks can do double duty. They work during times of market stress (corrections/recessions) and they can often deliver modest inflation protection as well.

Maybe consider gold and commodities?

While you may opt for a stock/cash portfolio, it may be wise to consider gold and commodities, even if in very modest amounts.

Nothing is as reliable and explosive for inflation as commodities. The most optimal balanced portfolios do include gold.

A 5% allocation to each of gold and commodities may go a long way to protecting your wealth.

An inflation bucket might then look like:

  • Gold 5%
  • Commodities 5%
  • Energy stocks 5%
  • REITs 5%

A cash wedge is not a bad idea

Cash helps your cause during stock market declines, stagflation and deflation. Mark Seed at My Own Advisor plans to use a stock and cash approach for retirement funding.

Given all of the above considerations, a retiree might go off the stock-only-script modestly with 5% weighting to each: gold, commodities and cash. It’s quite likely that the 15% allocation will come in very handy one day. Continue Reading…

A rare haven: Fine Wine In a volatile market

By Atul Tiwari

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

So far, the fine wine market remains one of the few bastions of stability in an increasingly volatile investment environment.  The Liv-ex 1000, the broadest measure of the global fine wine market, has returned 25.45% this year (as of 30 June).

These gains stand in stark contrast to most of the financial markets, where selloffs have hit a wide range of industry sectors, asset classes and geographies. The initial shock from the war in Ukraine has led to surging commodity and food prices, triggering the highest inflation in decades in several major economies including Canada which now stands at 8.1%.


Fine wine boasts a track record of strong growth that has resulted in positive real returns over the long-term.

Index Month YTD 12-month 5-year 10-year 5 year volatility*
Liv-ex 1000 0.76%  11.12% 25.45% 50.26% 92.14% 1.12%
S&P 500 -8.39% -20.58%  -11.92% 56.20% 177.90% 4.89%
FTSE 100 -5.76%   -2.92%   1.87%   -1.96% 28.69% 3.92%
Nasdaq -9.00% -29.51% -20.96% 103.72% 339.79% 5.72%
MSCI AC Asia Pacific  -6.78% -18.18% -24.02%  2.21% 34.80% 4.19%
Gold in ($/oz) -1.64%   0.58%   -0.37% 42.38% 12.00% 3.72%
Bitcoin -37.32% -56.89% -43.11% 703.30% 297311.94% 25.18%
Bloomberg Commodity   -10.88%  18.03%  23.81%   41.70% -13.57% 4.39%

Source:, Liv-ex as of June 30, 2022. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. *Volatility = 5 year standard deviation of monthly returns.


Fine wine’s year-to-date relative strength does not come as a surprise. During previous periods of volatility, such as the COVID-19 outbreak, fine wine prices experienced shorter and less severe downturns compared to equities and faster bounce backs compared to other haven assets, such as bonds.

Figure 2 – Weathering the storm

Fine wine’s relative performance during market downturns

Source: Liv-ex, Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns.

This track record may be contributing to fine wine’s recent performance as more buyers, whether collectors or investors, realise fine wine’s ability to form a stable store of value.

Additionally, low fine wine supply levels are also supporting prices. Low harvest yields in 2021 and 2022 have dented production levels for leading fine wine regions, including Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne and California, creating fierce competition for top wines. Continue Reading…

Buying Stocks without a Broker: Here’s how to pick the best investments on your own

A growing number of  Investors like buying Stocks without a Broker because they’re able to  avoid possible Conflicts of Interest and Save on Broker Fees. However, it’s especially important to know what to Buy if you’re not using a Broker

Many investors assume their broker is honest and has their best interests at heart; if this proves to be untrue, they will shop for better stock trading advice from a new broker. Of course, many investors decide on buying stocks without a broker. That can be a successful strategy if you choose the best options for your investment temperament—using our Successful Investor approach.

Buying stocks without a broker: Why it might be a smart move for some investors

As any good stock broker or experienced investor can tell you, bad brokers are all too common. By “bad brokers,” we mean those who put their own interests above that of their clients. Keep in mind, however, that most bad brokers do this in a perfectly legal fashion, by catering to their clients’ whims and weaknesses.

Here are three main practices that bad stock brokers often practice:

  • Aiming for stability rather than growth
  • Double dipping
  • Stressing low-risk, low-return, high-fee structured products in client accounts

Additionally, you may have noticed that your broker sometimes uses unfamiliar words and phrases to describe investment concepts. Some of this stock broker jargon is simply shorthand that brokers use among themselves, to refer to familiar situations without having to go into any detail on the underlying concept. However, the concepts that these “broker-ese” words and phrases represent also serve to further the goals of the brokerage business.

If you find yourself thinking in broker-ese, you’ll naturally make assumptions that are in tune with the goals of your broker. They may be out of tune with yours.

Here’s one example: from time to time, your broker may advise you to sell a particular stock you own because it represents “dead money.” This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with the stock, or the company. Instead, your broker simply thinks the stock may only go sideways for a period of months or longer, producing no capital gains for you. So they naturally feel you should sell it and buy something with better short-term capital-gains potential. Continue Reading…

An Income Strategy for Adjusting to Uncertain Markets

Franklin Templeton/Adobe Stock image

By Franklin Templeton Canada

(Sponsor Content)

Canadians face a lot of headwinds in this volatile investing year, including high inflation, rising interest rates, slower economic activity and geopolitical shocks. In this turbulent environment, an actively managed income strategy can help steer the way through uncertainty. Volatile markets call for a strategy that can adjust client portfolios in a timely, tactical way as market conditions shift.

Active investment management can play a key role in offering a compelling risk-reward option for investors who are looking for income, growth and overall portfolio diversification. The strategy that underlies the Franklin U.S. Monthly Income Fund is an example of an approach to seeks to give investors stability amid volatility.

“The fund has a portfolio that can make adjustments in a timely manner on your behalf,” said Rob Rocoff, Vice President, Regional Sales with Franklin Templeton Canada in Toronto. “It’s a fund that uses a flexible, balanced strategy that is capital structure agnostic and has a track record in the U.S. of over 70 years of being able to tactically adjust to volatile market conditions.”

The Franklin U.S. Monthly Income strategy aims to generate income by investing in stocks, bonds and hybrid securities, such as equity-linked notes (hybrid securities have characteristics of both stocks and bonds). The strategy’s flexible asset allocation allows it to adjust across different market cycles, including moments of high pressure, to find the most attractive investment opportunities.

The Franklin U.S. Monthly Income strategy looks throughout the capital structure for securities that offer attractive income and long-term growth potential. Top-down insights inform the investment team’s view on asset allocation, while the security selection process is driven by rigorous bottom-up fundamental research. The team focuses on investment opportunities where their fundamental views may differ from the market consensus, especially with investments in large companies.

Seeking Yield from multiple sources

As a result, the fund’s portfolio includes equities (common or preferred stocks), fixed income assets (e.g., investment grade bonds, Treasuries) or hybrids (e.g., equity-linked notes and convertibles). This mix seeks yield from multiple sources and allows for dynamic asset allocation, depending on market conditions. Continue Reading…

How to take advantage of rising interest rates

By Bob Lai, Tawcan

Special to the Findependence Hub

Lately, the talk of the town seems to be rising interest rates. In April, the Bank of Canada raised the benchmark interest rate by a whopping 0.5% to 1%, making it the biggest rate hike since 2000. Given the high inflation rate, it is almost a given that these rate hikes will continue throughout 2022 and beyond. [On July 13, 2022, the BOC hiked a further 1%: editor.]

But before you freak out, let’s step back and look at the big picture. At 1%, the benchmark interest rate is still relatively low compared to the past interest rates.

I still remember years ago before the financial crisis, being able to get GIC rates at around 5%. And some people may remember +10% interest rates in the 80s or early 90s. Back then, interest rates were much much higher than measly below 1% rates we’ve been seeing the last decade.

Historical BoC overnight rates
What’s going to happen to the stock market? Well the general rule is that when Bank of Canada or the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates, the stock market goes up. When Bank of Canada or the Federal Reserve raises interest rates, the stock market goes down.

Continue Reading…