Tag Archives: Financial Independence

Debt is more than a four-letter word during your drawdown years

Doug Dahmer

By Doug Dahmer, Emeritus Financial Strategies

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

 The month of April is always a particularly busy time for Retirement Income Specialists. One of our key roles is to provide each of our clients with a year-by-year draw-down recipe: outlining how much and where to source their annual cash flow needs.

The ultimate goal is not to minimize the amount of income tax they pay on any given year, but instead to minimize the amount of tax they pay over the balance of their lives. (Please note these two goals are frequently confused, and seldom accomplished simultaneously as often you will need to pay more tax sooner in order to pay significantly more later.)

One of our many sources of insight for the guidance we provide is found within our clients’ annual tax returns. At the same time our clients’ previous year’s tax returns act much like a report card, keeping them informed as to how well we performed our role over the previous year, as we endeavor to accomplish this important long term goal.

Debt can more than offset taxes

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How much do you REALLY need to retire?

Marie Engen, Boomer & Echo

By Marie Engen, Boomer & Echo

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

I’ve given you the challenge of thinking about what sort of retirement lifestyle you want to have. You’ve also determined, as well as you can, what income you may be likely to receive when you retire.

It’s quite frustrating to try to figure out how much money you will need for your desired retirement. How can you decide without having some idea of how much it will cost? Is dreaming of exotic vacations and travelling around the world on a 13-m yacht realistic? Or should you be thinking about reading a book on your deck? Many people have no idea what they’re even aiming for.

Since we all like to compare ourselves to others to see where we stand, here’s what the average retiree spends for three different levels of retirement lifestyles:

(Sources: BMO retirement survey and the Government of Canada).

Basic – Low Budget

Canada makes sure that seniors don’t live in extreme poverty. A 65-year-old couple who each receive average CPP payments ($640.23 per month) as well as Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement would receive a little over $32,000 per year. A single 65-year-old would get just over $19,000.

Also read: Continue Reading…

Exploring the ExPat Lifestyle in Mexico’s San Miguel de Allende

View of San Miguel from top of the Rosewood Hotel (Photo J. Chevreau)

Last week, my wife Ruth and I enjoyed a week’s vacation in San Miguel de Allende, which is located in central (and landlocked) Mexico. We’d been to Mexico several times over the years but never this particular community, which is not handy to a major airport.

It was also our first trip to Latin America in about five years, since we had been taking our February breaks in Florida in more recent years.

Ironically, San Miguel was prominently featured in the old magazine I published around the year 2000: The Wealthy Boomer. At the time, I remember being impressed by the fact the cost of living for semi-retired American and Canadian baby boomers was roughly half what it was in our home countries. This theme was also applied to various Asia locations in a Hub blog last year featuring the book Planet Boomer. See also my post, titled 5 Asian locations where retirement is more affordable than North America.

Trading high taxes for crime?

Back during the days of the tax-and-spend Jean Chretien Liberals, I found the Mexican expatriate fantasy quite compelling, so much so that I listened to Spanish instructional tapes on my long commutes to the National Post’s bunker then located in Don Mills. But the fantasy of becoming a tax exile/early retiree faded once the Conservative Party achieved power and seemed to offer at least the hope of more reasonable levels of taxation (the Tax-free Savings Account being a major positive example.)

Meanwhile, the unremitting press over drug-cartel-related crime in Mexico reached a crescendo in the last few years so we stopped visiting for a spell.  Continue Reading…

Shape your retirement lifestyle vision

AdrianBy Adrian Mastracci, KCM Wealth

Special to the Financial Independence Hub

Over the years I’ve summarized many financial strategies for your successful retirement. Today I delve into shaping key “lifestyle” factors for your retirement happiness.

Definition of lifestyle is a very individual combination of activities. There is no one-size-fits-all scenario.

For example, try to diminish your work life gradually, say over two to five years. A series of short sabbaticals is another way to sample your new lifestyle.

Your retirement road map is a very personalized and unique process. Where there is a spouse, both should be involved in the planning.

Developing 5-year road maps within the money comfort works for many,
such as activities for age “60 to 64,” “65 to 69” and so on.

Lifestyle questions to answer

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Abundant Retirement Summit starts Feb. 15th

kay-bannerAs mentioned in this post a week ago, Mike Drak and I will be participating in a 10-day virtual event called The Abundant Retirement Summit, which features interviews with more than 20 retirement experts between Feb. 15th and Feb. 26th.

This event was designed by our colleague and passionate business guru Kay Young (pictured above) with you in mind! She has gathered some of the world’s leading experts in expanding your money along with experts in finding joy & freedom through life transitions for this ground-breaking summit.

To get a front-row free pass, just register here.  In addition, all the experts will be giving you a free gift  designed to help you find joy and freedom while doing the things you are most passionate about.

Among other things, we’ll talk about:
• How to manage your money with ways to build, save and expand your assets
• How to enjoy life’s transitions by finding out & doing what you really love
• Which industries allow you to make money while being creative…on your own time
• Fabulous ways to improve your joy and productivity…even while you sleep
• Stories with amazing people who have had life experiences that touch & teach us all

Kay is going to deliver every one of the expert’s interviews to your inbox. If you miss one, you’ll have 72 hours to catch up on the interviews you’ve missed. Hop on over to the registration page by clicking on this link.  We’re excited that you’ll be joining us on the summit! Continue Reading…